Saturday, July 30, 2011

Closing Ceremony: July 29, 2011

Each year, the San Sin Summer English Program ends on Friday of the last week with a celebration called the "Closing Ceremony."  Mr. Pan typically speaks to welcome the students and teachers.  Then, Dr. O'Kon thanks the principal and Mrs. Helen Lee, the San Sin Foreign Language department head, for their support and help during the program.  Dr. O'Kon also speaks to the San Sin students to encourage them to continue working hard with their English studies. Two of the San Sin English teachers, Emma and Angel, translate these comments into Mandarin Chinese to make sure that all students understand what is being said.

This year, Dr. O'Kon said, "Your American teachers have all been impressed with the level of English skills found in many of the San Sin students.  The students here truly care about improving their English abilities. And it is an inspiration to us all to see how hard you are working to learn more about English and to use it correctly. The ability to speak and use another language correctly will ensure your success in the future.  Keep up the good work!"

Tom from Class G receives a medal!
Then, awards were given for the PBL projects that had been presented on Thursday.  Four groups of students were acknowledged for their outstanding work and oral presentations of their projects.  In addition, students came to the stage, class by class, and each one received a certificate for the completion of the Summer English Program.  When all had received their certificates, the American teachers called two individual students to the stage from each class, presenting each one with a special gold medal for outstanding academic achievement in the Summer English Program.

After a short break time with a flurry of picture-taking of teachers with students, the real fun began!  Individual classes of students performed acts that they had rehearsed, using English exclusively.  They varied from "Dancing Queen" to "A Love Story" to "Let's speak Taiwanese."  Not to be outdone, the American teachers presented their own version of "San Sin Idols."  They replicated the American Idol format, and brought the house down with their fourth and final entry:  Lady Gaga.  Their teaching assistant Gogo, dressed like Lady Gaga, danced and sang with the American teachers.  While all of them should probably keep their day jobs, it was very, very funny and a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Especially touching was the final presentation prepared by Candy and other members of Class F.  A Power Point presentation showed many, many pictures of the teachers and students together during the weeks of the Summer English Program, to the background music of "Thank You."  The American teachers quickly learned what it is like to be truly appreciated by a group of students who aren't hesitant to let their teachers know how they really feel!   

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