Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leaving Taiwan: August 2, 2011

On Tuesday, August 2nd, the American student teachers and their hosts went to the Kaohsiung airport at 7:00 a.m. to catch their 8:45 a.m. flight for the United States.  Despite the early hour, many San Sin students and the Teaching Assistants came to the airport to see them off and to express their affection and gratitude.  After a successful check-in, the teachers talked to the students and posed for many pictures.  The teachers received several last-minute gifts and notes from their special visitors!  The students expressed hope that some of their American teachers would return for the Summer English Program next year.  They promised to maintain communication through Facebook and Skype.  Then, everyone came together for a photo of the entire group!
Dora from the school’s academic English Team came prepared with a large package of tissues. She was well aware of the inevitable tears and sadness that would come!  Separation from those you have spent every day with and have come to love and appreciate is always difficult, especially when the distance between them will be so great.  The kindness and generosity of the Taiwanese people in general, and of the host families and San Sin students in particular, is so touching.  Many tearful hugs and waves were exchanged as the teachers departed!

The American teachers wish to express their gratitude to Mrs. Helen Lee for her leadership and for making this wonderful Summer English Program possible.   A special thanks also goes to Mr. Jerry Fussell, who helped to initiate the Sister School relationship between TCC and San Sin High School in 1993, and who continues to provide unlimited assistance to help the program and the American teachers.  Mr. Shih is also greatly appreciated for his help in providing meals, gifts, currency exchange, and yoga classes for the American teachers.  And finally, love and hugs go to the wonderful host families and San Sin students, who provided the American teachers with a very special and memorable experience!

The American student teachers waiting for their flight home in the Tokyo, Japan airport.

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